Network of Competences
on Internet of Things
Through the following link you can register as a member of this competence network. You can register as an individual member or as a point of contact for your institution. Being part of this network is free.
The IoT Competence Network (NoC), made up of academic institutions and companies and of a cultural and educational nature, seeks to increase the skills or abilities of people in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.
Training in IoT
Impulse, promotion and coordination of HR training in IoT
Networking and Cooperation
Universities and companies sharing infraestructure and collaborating in projects
Research and Development
Offer of research services and cooperation, to foster economical and employability growth
Organization of networking events, seminars and workshops
· To promote joint activities for training human resources on the IoT domains.
· To encourage the broadest exchange of information and educational material between the network members and the relevant stakeholders.
· To coordinate the actions of partner institutions to generate resources and material aimed at developing skills in IoT.
· To promote cooperation between its members, and other academic institutions, industry and individuals by virtue of the development of human resources and their skills in IoT.
· To promote outreach activities, develop information and recommendations targeting stakeholders in the domain of IoT (society at large, research and
· education institutions, industry, public authorities).
· To promote economic and societal benefit growth, employability, and cooperation.
· To organize networking events, educational activities, seminars, workshops.
· To offer research services by its members and foster cooperation projects.
· To share infrastructure and capacities.
· To foster student/staff mobility.
The NoC is managed by the Board of Directors (BoD), formed by: the president, the vice president, 3 directors (educational and dissemination activities, members and industry outreach, technical activities) and the secretary.

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Erasmus-NEON No. 618942-EPP-1-2020-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
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